The sixth season of Dancing with the Stars premiered on March 17, 2008, continuing its legacy as one of ABC's most popular shows. This season brought the excitement of a special milestone, as the series celebrated its 100th episode on May 6 with a two-hour commemorative episode. This celebration highlighted memorable moments and performances from past seasons, adding a sense of nostalgia and grandeur to the competition.Season 6 featured a fresh lineup of celebrities paired with professional dancers, each bringing their unique personalities and talents to the ballroom. The competition remained fierce as the contestants tackled a variety of dance styles, aiming for high scores from judges Carrie Ann Inaba, Len Goodman, and Bruno Tonioli. Hosts Tom Bergeron and Samantha Harris returned to guide the audience through the journey, providing humor and insight along the way.The milestone 100th episode underscored the show's cultural impact and enduring popularity. Packed with tributes and special performances, it celebrated the achievements of both past and current contestants. Season 6 maintained the show's signature blend of glamour, skill, and drama, delighting fans and ensuring its continued success as a centerpiece of primetime television.