Survivor: Palau, the tenth season of the CBS reality competition series, took contestants to the breathtaking waters and islands of Koror, Palau. Filmed from November 1 to December 9, 2004, and premiering on February 17, 2005, the season featured a visually stunning setting that became a character of its own, offering challenges and rewards that complemented the natural beauty of the region.For the first time in Survivor history, the game began without tribes, with contestants forced to compete individually for their spot in one of the two tribes, Koror and Ulong. This unique twist set the tone for a season filled with intense rivalries and strategic gameplay. The dynamics of the tribes differed dramatically: Ulong suffered a historic losing streak, leading to the unprecedented elimination of all but one of its members before the merge.Tom Westman, a firefighter from New York, emerged as the Sole Survivor after dominating both physically and strategically. His leadership, challenge victories, and strong social connections helped him defeat Katie Gallagher in the final Tribal Council.Survivor: Palau is celebrated for its innovations, intense challenges, and the remarkable dominance of the Koror tribe. It remains one of the most visually stunning and strategically rich seasons in the series.