Survivor: Cook Islands, the thirteenth season of the CBS reality competition series, took the game to the picturesque Cook Islands in the South Pacific. Filmed from June 26 to August 3, 2006, and premiering on September 14, 2006, the season gained attention for its controversial decision to initially divide the 20 castaways into tribes based on ethnicity: African American, Asian American, Hispanic, and Caucasian. While the division sparked debate, the season quickly evolved into a gripping tale of strategy, alliances, and resilience.After the tribes were later merged and reshuffled, the season unfolded with memorable gameplay, including the formation of the iconic Aitu "underdog" alliance. This small group of players overcame the odds through teamwork and strategic moves, delivering some of the series' most thrilling moments.Yul Kwon, a management consultant, emerged as the Sole Survivor, defeating Ozzy Lusth and Becky Lee in the final Tribal Council. Yul’s masterful use of the hidden immunity idol and strategic gameplay, combined with Ozzy’s dominance in challenges, made for an unforgettable finale.Survivor: Cook Islands is celebrated for its intense gameplay, underdog stories, and diverse representation, leaving a lasting impact on the series.