Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains, the landmark twentieth season of the CBS reality competition series, celebrated the show’s legacy by bringing back 20 of the most iconic players from previous seasons. Premiering on February 11, 2010, this all-star season divided contestants into two tribes based on their reputations: the noble Heroes, known for integrity and strength, and the cunning Villains, infamous for their strategic ruthlessness.Set in Samoa, the season featured intense gameplay, dramatic blindsides, and unforgettable rivalries. Memorable players like Sandra Diaz-Twine, Parvati Shallow, Russell Hantz, and “Boston Rob” Mariano delivered standout performances, solidifying this season as one of the greatest in Survivor history. Strategic alliances, fierce physical challenges, and emotional jury speeches kept viewers on the edge of their seats.Sandra Diaz-Twine made history by becoming the first two-time Sole Survivor, defeating Parvati Shallow and Russell Hantz in the final Tribal Council. Sandra’s “anyone but me” strategy, coupled with her ability to navigate the complex social dynamics of the game, earned her the $1 million prize and cemented her legacy as one of the best players in the series.Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains is celebrated as a masterclass in gameplay, showcasing the best of strategy, competition, and character, making it a fan-favorite season.