Survivor: Nicaragua, the 21st season of the CBS reality competition series, premiered on September 15, 2010, marking a shift to the Wednesday timeslot for the first time since the inaugural season, Survivor: Borneo. Filmed from June to July 2010, the season took place in the tropical landscape of Nicaragua, featuring 20 contestants divided into tribes by age for an intriguing new twist.The tribes, Espada (40 and older) and La Flor (30 and younger), competed in challenges and navigated social dynamics influenced by generational differences. This division created unique alliances and tensions, as younger contestants relied on agility and energy while older contestants leveraged life experience and wisdom. Another twist was the introduction of the Medallion of Power, a strategic tool offering an advantage in challenges but requiring careful timing for use.Jud “Fabio” Birza, a laid-back and underestimated player, emerged as the Sole Survivor, defeating Chase Rice and Sash Lenahan in the final Tribal Council. Fabio’s carefree demeanor and ability to remain under the radar while avoiding major conflicts helped him outlast and outwit his competitors, earning him the $1 million prize.Survivor: Nicaragua is remembered for its unique age-based twist, unpredictable gameplay, and Fabio’s unconventional journey to victory.