Survivor: Edge of Extinction, the 38th season of the CBS reality competition series, premiered on February 20, 2019, and concluded on May 15, 2019. Filmed in Fiji, this season introduced the Edge of Extinction twist, where eliminated players were given the option to stay in the game by enduring isolation on a remote island with minimal resources. Players on Edge of Extinction competed in challenges for a chance to re-enter the game, adding a new layer of suspense and endurance to the season.The cast consisted of 14 new contestants and four returning players: Joe Anglim, Aubry Bracco, Kelley Wentworth, and David Wright. The season was marked by shifting alliances, dramatic blindsides, and the emotional toll of survival on the Edge of Extinction. The twist created a unique dynamic, as players on the Edge could observe and influence the game without directly participating.Chris Underwood, who was voted out early but returned to the game from Edge of Extinction, emerged as the Sole Survivor. He used his second chance strategically, making bold moves, including winning a crucial immunity challenge and orchestrating a fire-making duel against Rick Devens. Chris’s daring gameplay earned him the jury’s vote and the $1 million prize.Survivor: Edge of Extinction is remembered for its innovative twist, emotional depth, and Chris Underwood’s unprecedented comeback victory, making it a polarizing yet unforgettable season.