Survivor: Island of the Idols, the 39th season of the CBS reality competition series, premiered on September 25, 2019. Hosted by Jeff Probst, the season featured 20 new contestants divided into two tribes competing in the classic Survivor format. This season introduced a unique twist with the "Island of the Idols," where former winners Sandra Diaz-Twine and Rob "Boston Rob" Mariano served as mentors, offering strategic advice and challenges to select castaways.Contestants sent to the Island of the Idols had the opportunity to learn gameplay lessons and earn advantages, though they risked losing resources or opportunities if they failed specific tasks. The twist added a fresh layer of strategy and interaction with two of the series’ legendary players.The season, however, faced controversy surrounding inappropriate behavior by a contestant and the production's handling of the situation. Despite the challenges, the game progressed with blindsides, strategic plays, and a diverse cast bringing dynamic energy to the competition.Tommy Sheehan emerged as the Sole Survivor, defeating Dean Kowalski and Noura Salman in the final Tribal Council. Tommy’s strong social connections, strategic management of alliances, and ability to avoid being targeted throughout the game secured his victory.Survivor: Island of the Idols is remembered for its mentorship twist, memorable cast, and Tommy Sheehan’s under-the-radar gameplay, though its legacy is also marked by its handling of serious social issues.