Survivor: All-Stars, the eighth season of the CBS reality competition, brought back 18 of the most iconic and memorable contestants from the show’s first seven seasons for a high-stakes battle of strategy and survival. Filmed from November 3 to December 11, 2003, in the Pearl Islands of Panama, the season premiered on February 1, 2004, immediately following Super Bowl XXXVIII, making it one of the most-watched premieres in the show’s history.Divided into three tribes—Chapera, Mogo Mogo, and Saboga—the returning players faced intense competition as they navigated alliances, rivalries, and the pressures of playing against seasoned opponents. Familiar faces like Richard Hatch, Colby Donaldson, and Rob Mariano (known as “Boston Rob”) returned, bringing heightened strategy and drama to the game. The stakes were higher than ever, as the returning players were more experienced and determined to claim the $1 million prize.Amber Brkich emerged as the Sole Survivor, defeating Rob Mariano in the final Tribal Council. The season is also remembered for its romantic subplot between Amber and Boston Rob, which culminated in Rob’s live proposal during the reunion show.Survivor: All-Stars became a fan favorite, celebrated for its competitive gameplay, legendary cast, and iconic moments that cemented its place in Survivor history.